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发布时间:2021-10-12 10:45:06 阅读: 来源:膨化厂家

You Are Beautiful as You Are

There was once a crow who did not like his feathers.

"I wish I were a crow with beautiful feathers! Ah...!"

"You are beautiful as you are!"

"Ha~! You think these disgusting feathers of mine are beautiful? Well, good for you! I am gonna go to

the peacocks!"

The crow mocked his friend and flew off to admire peacocks.

The peacocks strutted about with their colorful tail feathers outstretched.

The crow sighed and watched them with envious eyes. “Ah~!”

At that moment, to the delight of the crow, some of the peacock feathers lay on the ground when

the peacocks left. “Oho~!”

The crow flew down to the ground and stuck the feathers into his wings and tail. He attached a few

sticking up from his head.

"Hahaha~! Cool~! Now I am as beautiful as a peacock!"

The crow tried to join them as if he were one of them. He went to join them in their strutting proudly.


"What's this?" "Who are you?"

What a fuss! The peacocks got upset by this intruder and began to poke him and peck him.

"Oh~! Please help me! Oh, no~!"

Bruised and still dragging some broken peacock feathers in his tail. He barely escaped the scene and

returned home.

But after all his insults, no one wanted his company.

"That's very good! Huh~!"

"It's foolish to try and be what you're not. Learn to love the feathers you've got!"

The crow regretted his behavior with tearful face. You are beautiful as you are.


stick into 插入 attach vt. & vi.贴上

stick up 竖起 proudly adv.自豪地

intruder n. 闯入者 poke vt.戳,刺

peck vt..啄 bruise vt.撞伤,打伤

drag vt.拖,拽

barely 几乎不 insult n.侮辱, 辱骂

foolish adj.愚蠢的 tearful adj.哭泣的;满含泪水

扩展:you are beautiful / you are so beautiful / you are beautiful mv



